
07 02 11

Another horrible day in Gilsland.
I took my camera out into the garden, wrapped up in a plastic bag but the light was too low for a decent photograph.
So it was back to my files and I have 'bookend views' to share with you today.

Back the the area around Caw Gap, with a sunrise over the highest point on Hadrians Wall, Winshields Crag.
I'd been to Steel Rigg but it was thick with fog there and if you look at the highest point, in this picture, you can see the fog is still lingering there.
Looking west the first hill on the skyline is the strangely named Bogle Hole where I stood to take the sunset picture below.

I said yesterday that the best views on Hadrian's Wall were those you see west to east, well there are exceptions and this is one of them.
It's the view west from Bogle Hole, just before you reach Caw Gap, taken at sunset on a September evening.
From here you can see the line of the Hadrian's Wall Path as it passes over Cawfields Crag, crosses to Great Chesters Fort and ontowards Mucklebank Crag and Walltown Crags.
No doubt it was a great spot for those signal fires the Roman's used.
By the time I was packing up to go home the full herd of cows was on the footpath but they just moved to one side when I came past.

Double click the photograph if you'd like to see a larger version.

All photographs on this Blog are copyright and cannot be used without my written permission.


David Richardson said...

Joan - over in the East side of North Yorks the weather and light is improving and the days are getting longer. So don't despair spring is hopefully on its way

Unknown said...

Fantastic shots!