
05 02 11

Wet again, I checked the tide tables and the various webcams and decided it really wasn't worth travelling an hour to sit under a cloudy sky.
I'm sure the sun will come again, but sooner rather than later would be nice!
Despertae to use my new lens I set up the garden hide, topped up all the bird feeders  and sat down to wait.
Masses of willing models today, shame the light was poor.

Male Siskin, (Carduelis spinus) related to the Goldfinch and Redpoll and another fiesty little bird, always squabbling and jostling for space on the feeders.

Female Siskin, nowhere near as showy as the male but just as fiesty.

The break in the weather didn't last long as the raindrops on this birds head show.

Maybe next week will be better and at least I no longer have to go out to work so if it is nice I can take advantage, hopefully I'll be able to get up onto the Hadrian's Wall path with my camera again.

All photographs on this site are © Joan Thirlaway and cannot be used without my written permission

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